November Rain, And Now It Is December Already
December last year feels like just a moment ago, and now it’s December again, different year though.
I thought this year wouldn’t rain this often, but in the last two days it’s been raining quite often.
Last week I was a bit into Guns ‘N Roses - November Rain song, and you know why. Because it was still November :-D
That song stucked in my head for a few days, and surely the guitar melody as well makes it easier to stick.
Do I like when it rains?
Yes and No
Yeah I know I should have not be that ambigue. But let me explain:
Yes, I like when it rains, after a long hot day, especially in the night.
No, I don’t like if it rains too much. Surely will make me struggle riding home.
But actually…
If it rains too much, I think it could affect the mood in general. Feels so lazy to go outside, which now I think I have to do more often. I can’t stay inside and feeling bad having to deal with a lot of bad thoughts and stuff.
Too often raining makes it feel so gloomy actually. That’s what I wanted to say since the beginning.
I don’t need too much of gloomy feeling now, it is enough already though.
I still have to do a lot of things.
I still have to deal with many challenging things.
Might not be that entertaining or inspiring.
Or, Might be not bad at all.
All I know that I have to be ready, no matter if I am ready or not. It’s part of the journey.
What is life without challenges?
What is life without rain?
Life shouldn’t be so boring, right?
May sunshine always be there with us, even though there’s raining in between.
Cheers and Love.